ITKP plans new service! Corporate Design, Werbeauftritt & WebDesign Development

IKTP is preparing to offer a new service for its customers

Corporate Design, Werbeauftritt & WebDesign Programming

The development of a corporate design that describes a company’s identity requires a deep understanding of the company’s vision and mission as well as its products and processes. Coupled with the artistic ability to graphically represent this corporate DNA in colors, images and text, the success for ITKP clients is to differentiate themselves in the market based on their corporate design.

ITKP breaks new ground at this interface between art and technology. Especially in the LifeScience environment, ITKP can draw on extensive expertise. This wealth of experience, combined with artists from the Visual Art School Basel, offers a unique service for the successful development of corporate designs.

Our artists are specially trained in the use of painting and drawing techniques in combination with colors and shapes to develop a unique design consisting of coherent colors, shapes and fonts that can be used throughout all areas of your corporate image.

ITKP works in close collaboration with the Visual Art School in Basel, Switzerland, in order to offer the best solutions for corporate design developments through continuous refinement of the applied techniques.



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